If you would like to make an appointment, please complete the below request form and a suitable date and time will be arranged with you.

Please note, THEODORA KOUTS® is located in Sydney, Australia. Appointments are taken in South Sydney unless otherwise agreed, and bookings are essential. If you are based in regional NSW, interstate or overseas, please send an email to and we will contact you to discuss how we may be able to assist you.

    Your details

    Type of appointment

    Please select:

    Preferred day & time

    Please indicate which days & times suit you best and we will be in touch to confirm your appointment. Please allow an hour for your initial consultation.

    Event Date

    If the garment you are interested in is for a particular event or special occasion, please let us know the date of the event.

    Comments or Queries

    If you have any other questions or comments relating to your appointment request, please let us know.